At EatLoco, we are deeply committed to supporting the incredible work of our local non-profits. These organizations play a vital role in strengthening our communities, addressing important issues, and improving the lives of countless individuals. As part of our mission to give back, we are proud to provide 3 dedicated (gratis) spaces at two of our larger markets (Ashbrook on Saturdays and Dulles Town Center on Sundays), where non-profits can share their message, connect with the public, and raise awareness about their causes. By partnering with these impactful organizations, we aim to create opportunities for collaboration and support that make a meaningful difference in our community.
EatLoco will provide 3 spaces devoted to Non-profits to each of the Ashbrook and Dulles Town Center Markets. Each non-profit can only request 3 dates total (either market).
Rules and guidelines are as follows
Non-profits must provide proof they are a non profit and must have a working website for their business.
Non-profits can reserve 1 of these spaces 3 times/season.
Non-profits cannot sell or giveaway food or food product while at the market. Any giveaway must be pre-approved by EatLoco Mgmt.
Non-profits must post on their social media twice the week of the market that they will be attending the market (using EatLoco’s logo)
If you miss a market date that has been reserved for you, you may lose other market dates you have scheduled, and not be allowed to reserve another space for the remainder of the season. Please have a backup plan in place so that market dates are not missed.
Non-profits must provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI) for 1 million dollars with EatLoco's name listed as an additional insured. See COI INSTRUCTIONS