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Game-Day Rules at Brambleton

Sundays 9AM - 1PM


Corner Olympia & Legacy Road - Brambleton

DON'T BE LATE - The Brambleton market averages around 40-45 vendors per week so give yourself plenty of time in the morning so you'll be set-up and ready to sell no later than 8:45AM. We suggest getting there before 8:00AM to beat the vendor traffic. All vehicles MUST be out of the market space by 8:45AM. Never under any circumstances should a customer or vendor ever move the orange cones or road-blocks so they can bring your car into the market after 8:45AM.  If the road cones are not in place at 8:45AM for whatever reason, vendors are still not allowed to bring their vehicle into the market after 8:45AM. Vendors showing up after 8:45AM will have to park their vehicle in the designated parking lot and hand carry everything over to their spot for setup. No exceptions.


MARKET MANAGERS - Our Market Manager(s) are on-site every Sunday morning at approx. 6:30AM to setup signage, put out road closures cones, to help facilitate vendor space assignments and to help make everyone's experience the best possible. Their job is not an easy one, so I'm asking that you don't make it harder.  If you have an issue or complaint that directly effects you successfully running your booth for that Sunday, then please seek out the Market Manager on duty to work it out.  All other problems, complaints or issues (that can wait until the market is over) should be directed to Dan Hine at (301) 503-7703 or Our Market Managers have nothing to do with our billing, what space(s) you are assigned, or which vendors are selected to be part of our markets. 

PULLING INTO THE MARKET - When you pull onto Olympia Drive in Brambleton (the road where the market is setup), you must pull in from the NORTH end of Olympia and simply drive up to your assigned space to unload your vehicle. In most cases there will be a backup of vendors trying to do the same thing. Our market managers try to push this traffic through as quickly as possible, so please be patient.  If you attempt to drive in from the SOUTH end, you'll be met with a lot of resistance from all the other vendors that are coming in the correct way (along with one of our Market Managers).  So please don't. 

PULL-UP, UNLOAD, GO PARK CAR, THEN SETUP - When you drive into the Brambleton Market and up to your assigned space, please pull your vehicle tightly to the curb in front of your space  (do not park right in the middle of the road to unload).  Unload your vehicle as quickly as possible into your assigned spot.  Then drive your vehicle out of the market space and over to the parking lot behind the Harris Teeter with all the other vendors.  Do not park on the road. leave these spaces for your customers.  DO NOT set up your tent, tables, products or anything else until your vehicle is moved out and parked. No exceptions!  If you are assigned one of the center positions of the road, please unload quickly and remove your car from the market so other vendors can get past you.

TENT WEIGHTS - Tent weights are mandatory at all EatLoco Farmers Markets regardless of season or weather. 50LB weights on each leg are preferred, though 25LB weights are acceptable. Dumbbell weights are not allowed. Inexpensive nylon bags that can be filled with sand and can be velcroed to each tent leg is a great option (CLICK TO PURCHASE THESE BAGS FROM AMAZON). This market gets very windy and we have seen customers (children too) get hit by flying tents more than once. Our Market Managers have been instructed to have any vendor that fails to comply with our tent weight policy, to take down their tent immediately.  


SAMPLES AT THE MARKET - Samples are allowed back at the market again. However, we suggest keeping samples covered at all times. In addition, samples can only be handed out within a few feet from the front of your tent.  Walking around the market or anywhere not within 3-4 feet from your tent is not allowed.  Please respect your fellow vendors by staying in you own area during market hours.


SMOKING AT THE MARKET - Smoking at the market is strictly prohibited. If a vendor must spoke, they must do so no less than 40 yards from behind their tent, not more than 5 minutes, and no more than twice per market. It is preferred they find someone to watch their tent and their products while they are away.


END OF DAY - The market ends promptly at 1:00PM. You may not shut down, put away items, knock-down your tent, or give any type of indication that you are shutting down prior to 1:00 PM, even if you sell-out of your products, For the safety of our customers and the integrity of our market, you must remain setup until 1:00 PM. 


At 1PM, vendors can begin to knock down their displays and box everything up. Once everything is packed-up and your tent is knocked down, (and the Market Manager is allowing vendors back in with their vehicles) then you can bring your vehicle back into the market for loading. Usually customers are still in the market after 1PM. Therefore, vehicles are not allowed back in the market around until 1:20 PM or when the Market Manager waves you in..

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